Tuesday, June 17, 2008
{ 10:30 PM }
Heh I know this post is more than a week overdue so I'll try to recall as much as possible. It took me long enough to just get this up. Urgh stupid blogger.WALES / IRELAND TRIP 2008!

On board KLM to Amsterdam. 13 hour flight.
That's sunrise. Blame it on the dirty windows.
They're made of wood but still very pretty.
Old Amsterdam cheese. Someone poked it, not me!According to Charmaine, I was sulking on the transit flight from Amsterdam to Manchester and my face was green. :/ After a torturous 6 hour drive from Manchester airport to Wales (with me throwing up my lunch cause I was so badly dehydrated), we finally reached Dale Fort Field Study Centre. How happy was I. Beat that, almost 24 hours of non-stop travelling.

Too tired to run.
Sandwich room where we packed our lunch every morning.
First time donning on oversized waterproofs and wellington boots! Quadrat sampling: count the Plantain population in a sample area. The drizzle and wind was numbing cold.
That's how heavy and uncomfortable waterproofs and boots are. Mr Evans drew a whole lot of such comcs.
Jiahe, Me, Wan Ting and Joy. Grided quadrat sampling on Frenchmen's Steps.
This reminds me of some China kungfu movie. Oh yes, we were deprived of TV in Dale Fort but all the chit chatting and laughing still compensated for the loss. (:
Sheep/cattle tooth. Yes they are that stupid to fall over cliffs. Maybe pigs are smarter.


Fox glove plant. Eat this if you encountered a heart attack. Eat it without a failing heart, the result is death.
I forgot the name of the fungus but it sure looks disgusting enough for me to remember how it looks like.
Lichen. The air's pollution free, many times better than Singapore. So we had to do loads of walking to get to different cliffs to conduct our activities. Like we walked across the headland to count rough periwinkles to make comparisons as well as capture sandhoppers to calculate it's population at Castlebeach.

So this is DaleFort Field Study Centre captured from the other side. Yea it's a converted fort.
And this is Castlebeach.
Joy's the best at taking "emo" shots.
Joy: "Why are you all not turning around!"Hmm we walked to a saltmarsh (similar to a mangrove) to look at the succession of plants and also to try out another form of quadrat sampling.
BLACK ANAEROBIC MUD beneath a thin layer of brown aerobic mud. Getting over the trench was spectacular, with so many of us getting stuck keep deep in the mud.
Haha dragging the seine net aross the estuary was fun! We only had a minute after bringing the net up to shore and capture those trapped creatures before we had to pull the net back into the estuary to release the unrescued animals.
"Ahh here got crab!" "Fish! Fish!" "Where is the bucket?!" Chaos. (:
It's us against the water current.
Gladys' and my initials on a shell. Some rock was the ink and water's the correction fluid.
SLACKERS namely Me, Cherly Koh and Gladys.
I made this and I have no idea what for. I wanted to use the flat rocks to learn how to skip rocks from Mr Evans but decided not to throw it away.
Ohh I saw this while walking back from the saltmarsh. We can all testify that there's such strong wind. 
The last sunset we would witness in Dale Fort. We paused whatever we were doing and rushed out of Grassholm lab just to capture this splendid moment.
Grassholm lab where classes were conducted. Downstairs were scientists doing their annual scientists. Mann, the equipments they used were so pro.
Our room, our bunk beds, our dirty little secrets. (:

Yes I remembered to take a photo of the door ledge before leaving the centre.
Last shots at Dale Fort.

After an hour's drive to the ferry terminal and stoning about for more than an hour, we were on board a grand ferry to Ireland. I slept through the entire journey partially cause I was sleepy and partly cause I felt giddy.
You haven't seen the other side of the ferry. There's a bar and casino upstairs too. Too bad I'm underage and under the supervision of teachers.
Old abandoned railway tracks outside Ireland's ferry terminal. We were greeted by ths whole lot of buses emitting carbon monoxide. No those weren't our hired bus. Another day wasted travelling to Derrygonnelly Field Study Centre. 3 hours drive from the field centre to GIANTS' CAUSEWAY. There's a legend involving a confrontation between a giant from Ireland called Finn MacCool and a giant from Scotland whose name I don't know, hence the name of the place. Aiya, read it up yourself.
This is what you get when you give us time after lunch.
The Giants' Causeway. Apparently if the mist clears up, you ought to be able to see Scotland.

The causeway is very beautiful isn't it.
Basal columns from above. It's still a mystery as to why basalt (cooled lava) forms columns.

BRAs, excluding me.
The giant which slowly became a duck and a frog and don't know what else.

The Organ.
Me and Eimear, our lovely tutor from Derrygonnelly Field Centre. We sure did irritate her with our frog song. (:
Descended from the top of the cliffs to have a close up view on the basalt columns.
Just a random shot. Oh I plucked up enough courage to touch a stinging nettle here and my thumb hurt for almost 2 hours.
We're on the top of the world looking down at the camera. XD.
Back at Derrygonnelly, back to reality. No more giants.
Yes we walked almost the whole of the county town Enniskellen doing urban studies. It's almost as big as Singapore means effectively, we walked the whole of Singapore. Haha.
A gentle reminder indeed.

Some church.
Some alley.
Enniskellen castle!

This fly died shortly after. I swear I didn't kill it.
Okay I'm getting sick of typing so there will be less words from here. :(

The exit. It was cold inside and super hot outside.
Change in itinerary. We didn't visit the WOW Alternative Energy Centre but instead we went to visit Locke's Whisky Brewery. Uhh it's a museum now after being in operation for about 200 years.

Where they boil water.
Where they grind the grains.

Where they threw in yeast to the sap.
Warehouse where they stored barrells.
Barrells of whisky!.
Galway, Carlton hotel.

It rained promptly after we arrived.
Our 4-star hotel room!
HAH 22 kg luggage!