Monday, January 15, 2007
{ 8:30 PM }
Yay, two scoop strawberry and one scoop chocolate ice cream after dinner! It's like along time ever since I ate ice cream. Yum.Haha, the ice cream sort of made me waste about three hours of hardcore track training. We did conditioning and weights today. Omg, the 20kg bar seemed heavier than usual. Perhaps I'm not used to doing weights after since WZ stopped training. Sorry SINOians but I really can't make it now for the PT trainings on Sunday. I'll arrange to go for it after this term. :) okay, back to track. We did clean, lunges, and many other stuff which I don't know the name of. Yea, I felt the sense of accomplishment. My PE shirt was so filthy cause rjc's floors are like covered with dust. Training is one word, FUN!Oh, the phrase "one word" reminds me of a joke Jiya and Liqi told me during house practice. J and L: Hey, I tell you 2 words.
J: I love you.
L: No, that's three words.
J: Two. You know why?
L: Nope.
J: Because I and you are one.
Love me and I'll love you.