Friday, December 29, 2006
{ 12:00 AM }
Yay! I got sky blue braces! XD. Oh you gotta see them, they're really cool. haha. It didn't hurt much while putting them on but it started to act up when I'm out of the dental clinic. Gahh... No pain, no gain, I want the perfect smile!Today was some kind of shit day. 1) I didn't complete much of what I intended to do. I'm lazy. I watched tv for about 2 hours. Gosh, I'm in love with Totally Spies and I think Untalkative Bunny is spastic. Nothing's here to motivate me and my holidays were spent in more or less sianzation. Zzz. 2) My thumb bled. I didn't expect so much blood could be oozing out of a small wound. Scary. I was just practising my sword and I ACCIDENTALLY cut my thumb. Like hey, who in the right mind would cut yourself for the fun of it? The antiseptic wash my coach told me to apply left me squeezing my thumb real tight cause it was just so painful. But still, I prefer my sword routine to the other two. :)3) I'm irritated by this pessimistic man. Like, there was this black stray kitten that came into the training center. Come on, it was raining outside and I bet it's cold. So most of us went to play with it and this uncle was nagging behind us . "Don't play with it, later it think you like it, then keep coming in. What if it die inside here?!" Omfg, what has playing with it got to do with it dying? Afterall when we leave the place for home, we're going to chase it out. It won't die so soon.4) I can't sleep AGAIN.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
{ 9:38 PM }
My internet is GOING KUKU.
Now hopefully my phone don't go KUKU.
If so, I'll go KUKU.
Stupid Taiwan earthquake, the don't-know-what-number natural disaster to strike this year. Argh! It affected all the undersea cables. Everything is so laggy...
Eh, has it ever come across to you that natural disasters occur mostly around this period of time? Christmas, Boxing Day and 27th December. Okay, maybe not most but most likely to. Santa's present for all of us! He can't find a suitable present for every demanding person on earth so hey ho, he decides that a little thriller would be perfect. :) It's quite shit to be reading the papers about people dying, people crying.
Is it true that disasters strike more often nowadays? I can't answer that cause I'm not that old. haha. Hopefully, now it's the darkest period one can live in and everything would turn for the better in the upcoming years. And yes, we have to do our part lah.
Gahh, I fascinated that it's such a big hit and people still totaly have no clue about what happened. Their current affairs are sure outdated. =.="
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
{ 11:08 PM }
Ahh fuck. It's my 12th hour on the computer today and I'm not feeling at all happy. I slogged my guts out trying to write really good chinese essays for CAP and I don't seem to be making much of a progress. Good thing there is MSN. Chatting to friends relieve me of my stress and boredom. Thanks people. It's boxing day today and yea, 2 years after the tragic tsunami. Rest in peace victims. XD'chernhwee
Monday, December 25, 2006
{ 10:58 PM }
Thanks people for all the well wishes for Christmas and 2007! I can't wait for the clock to strike 12 on 31st December. Imagine those flying cocks, those cups full of sparkle juice (wine really sucks, it's VERY BITTER), those party poppers, those blasting radios and those wild cheers. A splendid way to end each year and receive the upcoming year. And yes! I'm so gonna enjoy the COUNTDOWN. Oops, it's still 7 days away. Damn..My Christmas this year was relatively spent in GV Tampines. Woah, it was crazily full. Catching Night At The Museum and Curse Of The Golden Flower was some pure luck. Barely till 3.25pm and tickets for Night At The Museum were sold out (I booked the tickets online, you see). Opening two theatres for that great hit didn't seem much of a help. Can't bear to leave, my cousin and I decided to stay on. We got some lousy seats but at least I had a place! Night At The Museum
Very hilarious movie!
I love the line "Some people are born great, but some have greatness thrust upon them" (something like that-- my memory do fail me at times XD)
Something really meaningful to pick up indeed.
Great determination, great leadership, great teamwork and great support were all displayed by the characters in the movie.
Curse Of The Golden Flower
Starring Jay Chou!
It was some gory movie with bloodshed in almost every scene.
Probably they used the big name of the singer to attract viewers cause I didn't quite like it. I didn't understand the motives for killing people neither did I understand the curse.
Damn, my chinese is dropping...
Overall, the actors were really good. They sure did learn how to convey emotions with eyes.
Sexayye actresses! haha.
What a way to spend my festive season but I caught up with my cousin and met my dear classmate CHENG LIQI. Nice to see you peeps!
{ 12:23 PM }
Saturday was some stupid day. Oh yes, I broke a spoon during lunch that day and my father got so worked up about it. Didn't quite know why till he told me. A bad start for a bad day.I missed my don't-know-how-old grandmother's birthday dinner due to wushu national squad selection. I have no idea why they needed to push back the timing at the very last minute from 3 to 7. That did get on my nerves. That also resulted me having to go for my regular maths tuition. Ah, the teacher is really good at torturing my brains. I hate indices. I simply just cannot get it. But I will, just a matter of time...Back to the selections, well, the things tested were not tough. Just the 5 different jumps movement and the first half of my routine. I dare say it was quite a breeze. Now i cross my finger and hope the letter arrives in my mailbox. A desperate want to get in!After it ended, I called my mother and she replied that she was still eating and could only come fetch me in half an hour's time. Yea, I waited. Then on their way here, I received an sms that there is massive jam along Orchard Road and the estimated time of arrival would be about half an hour later. I had two choices then, wait or take the train home. Both won't make a difference so I chose to wait. ZZZ. How lonely.Gee, ranting on a blissful Christmas. Neutralised.'chernhwee
Sunday, December 24, 2006
{ 2:07 PM }
Well, I must say it had been an eventful week. Bowling was retarded and NYPSCO camp was unexpectedly fun!Yup I went bowling on Tuesday. Talent or beginner's luck you may say, 1) I managed to beat MATTHIAS CHIA'S score when he first started in my second game. 2) I actually managed to strike! I so think that the 8 rubber bands in my mouth are making me suffer. I was very hungry after bowling but I couldn't eat much since the separators were causing my gums to ache. I ordered some fish porridge and hey ho, the auntie gave me some real cheap skate stuff. Her idea of porridge was RICE + SOUP! How interesting...Still had some time left before wushu training and so we went to catch a movie. We wanted to watch Open Season but the movie will only be casted at 5.45pm. I looked at my hand phone to check the time and it was only 1.15pm! Gahh. Instead we went to watch Eragon, some nice portrayal of dragons and dragon riders. I want to be a dragon rider! Just the perfect feeling flying so high and so fast up in the air. Overall, the plot line was rather predictable. Pick up any details here and there and that will cut down onthe nervousness during the great battle on who would win. The next few days were spent in NYPS. Nothing much changed with the school building just that there were more paintings on walls. The health and fitness room was some white elephant till we, the facilitators were complaining that we needed sleep. We intended to sleep there cause the dance room (place where we were supposed to be) was being occupied by some gay male dance teacher and small girls. However a group of us ended up playing a real intellectual card game called bridge. I mastered the way to play the game slowly and I surely pissed Hwa Jie off. I anyhow bid in the first few rounds and dragged my partner down. "Oh, I know how to play already!" I always say after someone explains something to me but yea, I still didn't get the whole thing. Explaining how to play also demands some INTELLECT.Free time was mostly spent by playing card games and more card games. Indian poker, MRT, Bridge, Asshole Daidi... Gee, I really enjoyed those games. There was also a time when we were nearly caught red handed by NYPS's vice principal Mrs Tang while playing Daidi if not for Sze Jet's warning.Another thing thatI remembered fondly was the friendly argument between Zhao Kai and Chu Xian over the meaning of oxymorons late in the night/early in the morning at 1am. In the end, they had to check up Wikipedia to confirm who was right. Just those oxymorons...My group Blue 3 seriously rocked. Jeddave, Janice, Hans, Lim Rei, Dong Heng, Kit Yan and Jae!They are seriously smart people, seriously naughty people and seriously loud people. They surely added spice to my whole camp experience. I will miss you all.And yes, catching! A late night activity to please the small kids. Be surprised at their agility, those pro-ded runners. I feel lousy chasing after them.
That's all I have to say on a breezy Sunday afternoon. I feel lazy.
P.S Tomorrow is Christmas and seven more days to 2007! MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!
Saturday, December 16, 2006
{ 10:27 PM }
what you bet
bet? lols..
that qatar will win
what u wan me to bet?
what do you want to bet
dunno lei..i just bet qatar will win..u decide the stakes
u think iraq will win rite?
i mean yes
(undecisive me)
if iraq win
i don't know what to bet
but if qatar win
you have to update your blog
hm....i betting qatar win lei..
(i just got things wrong)
oh ya
so if iraq qin
don worry i will update my blog..and include u in it..if u lose u will update urs and include me in that post k
you update
ok now i can to sleep knowing u sure update ur blog..
(what a powerful statement)
Well, that is just a part of yesterday's msn conversation with MATTHIAS CHIA.He bet that Qatar would win as they are the host country and has homeground advantage. Somehow it's true but the stupid me went on to think that Iraq had been the Asian games gold medalist for soccer so confirm Iraq would win and placed a bet on them. Holy shit, they lost by 1 to 0. Gahh, I watched the match while MATTHIAS CHIA was sleeping and haha, he didn't have to post. Gee, lucky him. (: Sorry MATTHIAS CHIA, I know this is the not-so-creative way that you expected cause I really don't know how to include you in a betted post. Maybe some other day when my brain juices are flowing.
Friday, December 15, 2006
{ 8:35 PM }
The concentration camp of World War 2 somewhere in the south of Krakow. The germans burned the place to destroy evidence when the Souviet Union army liberated the place. Now only the chimneys remain.
I can't remember who the people are in the statue. I only know that the sculptor committed suicide cause people said his horse resembled a pony.
Whee... That's me lah, duh. A carriage ride around the city is not bad afterall!
I forgot to bring my drawing pen to scribble on the Berlin Wall.
The bottom view of a chandelier in the salt mine. I think the salt mine is either in Warsaw or in Krakow.
And that's it. I don't feel like uploading anymore pictures about my trip cause it's ever so so slow. Haha.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
{ 2:05 PM }
I came back from a 13 day East Europe trip 11 days ago but I was too lazy to blog about it. I shall do it now to revive my blog.
The itenary was like:
Budapest, Hungary
Cracow, Polan
Warsaw, Poland
Poznan, Poland
Berlin, Germany
Prague, Czech Republic
Vienna, Austria
I think it's like this, I can't quite remember. Nevermind, I shall make any corrections to it if it's wrong. Well, this trip was mostly spent in the coach, travelling from place to place; always in a mad rush. According to my mother, she said that she did not quite like the trip cause the local guides there only spoke English. =.=" And I'm like complaining cause the bus rides makes me dizzy. Tsk.
How interesting of them to put warning notes about the harmful effects of smoking and selling such big boxes in the airport's duty free shop. No wonder Europeans tend to die of cancer or heart attacks.

The lion (above) guarding the entrance of Budapest's Chain Bridge (bottom).
More pictures to come! It's taking such a long time. Grr..
buti thoughtwasadream;